Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Happy Labour Day ^^

Spiderman 3 11.45pm pacific
score: 9/10
nice nice movie, but I dun1 harry die la...Harry handsome le...but at last T.T all is that housekeeper de fault, zomik early early dun1 tell Harry bukan spiderman killed his father ..."stupid nia"..
real friends wont let behind ^^

Happy Labour day~ just now go sembayang my grandpa, my mum told me he die 40++ year ago lo...that time my dad only 13 year old...actually I not got d feeling of grandpa and cucu, I even not see his photo before....another grandpa(my mum father) also die when my mum still young...but this grandpa I hv c his photo before.....that it~
Just now see spiderman 3 many people, I think many people are waiting for long time le ba...Ms hooi peng said gurney gsc full house wah wah 0.0.... my friend around 3pm go pacific buy d ticket on 11.45pm...luckly still got a nice seat...even d 1st row also full...wah, keng r...(I try before sit 1st row when watching Finding neck wana patah, I "tak Nak" 1st row...) erm...nice nice movie...but very cold *.* I forget 2 bring jacket...
Tomorrow exam le, I still not yet study..cham cham=.=" this media paper I really duno how to write and wan study wat...sek 4 sek can do d only is hug buddha leg and pray nia~ bless me please T.T~ Aza Aza fighting~ fighting~ fighting~

Question: How often U eat McDonald?
this month I wana count see 1 month I eat how many time Mcdonald...
1st of May - Mcdonald
2nd of May - Mcdonald

p/s : 幸福就在不遠處~ 一定要幸福哦~^^~


nuclear said...

wahlau ehh.. so fast go watch d??? *shake head*

but i think tonite onli u'll start studyin hor? ehhehe.. all da best!

Ms Fish ~^^~ said... friends they await so long d, so wana b d 1st to watch...kakaka...
yaya...later wan study d..."shake head" cham...duno wan study wat pun...
all d best...fighting ~

LesjOs said... ar
you really "keng" ar...
exam still can go watch movie...
i really put my head onto the ground and say..."ho liao"
haha...miss me oo!!

Ms Fish ~^^~ said...

haha, no la no la (asian people) where got "keng" ^^
need relax 1st ma arbo pressure ma..muahaha~
yaya...dont forget me ooo ^^